Beyond Welcome
New recording sessions!

In september 2016 we published our acclaimed album “Beyond Welcome” on Buback Records. From march 12 to 19 2018 we went again to that beautiful converted barn in Gut Reichenow / Brandenburg to make new recording. The new album should be out in winter 2018/2019.
BEYOND WELCOME – the video

In May and June 2016 Schwabinggrad Ballett & Arrivati made a series of interventions in Hamburg under the title BEYOND WELCOME. Here’s a beautiful video documentation by Rabot Rummel to show you what happened. Here’s the vimeo link:
June 3: Schnelsen Refugee Camp!

Today, friday 3rd of June Schwabinggrad Ballett & Arrivati together with OpenEyesOpenHearts e.V., Superbude, Fux&Ganz-Cantina crew and other activists and artists will go to a refugee-camp in Schnelsen to perform, talk, cook and have a good time together with the inhabitants of the camp. We named the event WOMEN EMPOWER WOMEN because we want to … Continued
Have a picnic with us! Urban Citizenship / Sat june 4

Schwabinggrad Ballett & Arrivati invite you to our final BEYOND WELCOME-event on saturday June 4 from 4-7pm. We’d like very much to see you at our URBAN CITIZENSHIP-picnic at the Stadtpark Grillwiese (not the big one but the smaller near the childrens pool / Kleine Festwiese am Kinderbecken). The idea is to come together and … Continued
Russom, Samuel, Farid and Trang: 4 Interviews

As a contribution to BEYOND WELCOME Dan Thy Nguyen, artist and director, and Iraklis Panagiotopoulos have produced interviews with four people who give us a narration of how and why they or their family had to migrate and what arriving in Europe and Germany means: Russom, a young man from Eritrea, Sammy, a teacher from … Continued
Beyond Welcome: First weekend

On May 27 Schwabinggrad Ballett & Arrivati together with Superbude- and Cantina-Crew from the fux association organised a fest and a performance at the refugee camp in Hamburg-Neugraben. On the next day, May 28, we invited the people from the camp to come to the “Beyond Welcome”-parade from Messehallen to Axel-Springer-Platz. Here are some impressions … Continued
Beyond Welcome! 21.5.-4.6. a survey

Beyond Welcome! May 21 – June 4 // Schwabinggrad Ballett and Arrivati go in for a series of interventions in refugee camps and public spaces. Together with Right-to-the-City- and community-activists we want to give room to debates and performances on alternative planning, urban citizenship and free movement. Here you get a first survey.
May 28: Another Planning is Possible

On May 28 Schwabinggrad Ballett will join the parade for a different kind of planning to the famous Axel-Springer-building. It will be a joint action of Right-to-the-City- and Refugee-activists. Here you can read the call.